Best Networking from CHANEVE Official Store for Network-Card 5db-Antenna Usb-Wifi-Adapter 150mbps Atheros Ar9271 Wireless Chipset
A lot more people tend to purchase Network-Card 5db-Antenna Usb-Wifi-Adapter 150mbps Atheros Ar9271 Wireless Chipset web based. Busy people are attracted by the efficiency and convenience of shopping from the comfort of their own home. We all don't need to walk through big shopping centers. On the contrary, we will have more time for picking the merchandise we want and with a basic click we can complete our orders....Buy Now
Customer reviews:
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 22 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
El chipset es el correcto. Funciona con Kali y como AP. Se calienta un poco cuando está mucho tiempo haciendo auditoría. No tiene luz como se menciona en la descripción. Llego antes del tiempo límite y en buen. estado. Recomiendo el producto y al vendedor. En Windows no se reconoce por qué tal ves me falta el driver pero no lo quiero para Windows de todas formas.
Date: 25 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Брал для самодельного репитера на tp-link tl-wr842nd v2 openwrt17-4 + данный свисток. Работает отлично, предварительно им же добыл пароль в Airslax. Рекомендую.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 30 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Monitor mode ok Atheros chip is working fine deauth attck is working sniffing is ok
Date: 26 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
arrived in 3 weeks and excellent condition.I recommend it for monitor mode and packet injection.Its amazing!
Date: 22 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
El envío a México super rápido, me llegó en 1 semana! Super bien, en excelentes condiciones
Date: 15 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Super fast delivery, hope it works well
Date: 04 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
goods come with well packed look brand new , I will leave the comments soon after testing
Date: 15 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Заказ шёл 3 недели. Воткнул сразу сервер, поменял настройки в hostapd и всё заработало без проблем. Дополню отзыв после пары недель использования.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 25 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Норм, только пахнет пайкой. Не понимаю комментариев о хлипкости устройства. Как по мне, так ничуть не хуже wn722n. С кали совместимо
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 05 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
it is easy to install and works great with pocket injection and monitoring mode. I tried Kali on linux (it works for me, I put it under personal information censorship). —Translated by Google Translate
Date: 20 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
tal y como en la publicación.
Date: 25 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
funciona excelente en modo monitor rápido el envío
Date: 31 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
as in the description it says thank you
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 03 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
ar271L дрова на хр на devwiki, кали и прочие линуксы пока не тестил, тащемта у меня оно не греется на хр, правда и нагрузки на него толком нету. обратите внимание где у корпуса защелки, если будете вскрывать. Чуть их не срезал по незнанию, ну и разорвал парочку. Знал бы где они и где ответные выступы может как-то аккуратнее открыл бы. Внутре чисто, плата приклеена на кит.сопли, что с обратной стороны посмотреть не удалось.
Date: 12 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Сигнал 20 dbm. На kali работает из коробки, на винде нужно скачивать драйвер. В комплекте ничего нет, пришло в конверте без коробки
Date: 17 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
works with no problem, very happy, came fast about 2-3 weeks to Lithuania, doesnt feel cheap. Very pleased
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Всё работает. Драйвера на Linux скачались автоматически. Для Windows 10 пришлось искать
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
beklenildiği gibi geldi ürün 10 gün içinde elime ulaştı 20.8 TL gümrük çıktı yine de iyi
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 05 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
happy with the quality, quick testing results were: stable connection, even though some realteks might be faster in paper, they tend to many have problems depending on the chip in linux (not so mus windows problem), but this should atleast be better supported in linux and also seems to be as fast ~50Mpbs at medium range. Kernel 5.4-> to some 5.6 or something has problems with this atheros, 5.10 at least seems to work as the kernel bug seems to be fixed. Thanks at seller, fast shipping.
Date: 08 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Excelente calidad y envío súper rápido. Muy contento! Volvería a comprar sin duda!