Name: Memory-Card-Adapter Sd/micro-Sd Laptop Multi Smart TF OTG KEBIDU USB for Usb-3.0
SKU: 4000089787870
Rated 4.8/5
based on 366 Reviews
KobeKe Technology Ltd
Price :$0.01 In stock
Best Storage Devices from KobeKe Technology Ltd for Memory-Card-Adapter Sd/micro-Sd Laptop Multi Smart TF OTG KEBIDU USB for Usb-3.0
The blazing heat of the summer time is already killing us. We all just want to stay cool within our home and relax inside our comfy pajamas and shorts. Going out shopping Memory-Card-Adapter Sd/micro-Sd Laptop Multi Smart TF OTG KEBIDU USB for Usb-3.0 in such scorching heat is mostly a big task for everyone. Visiting one store to another in the shopping mall or crowded marketplace is so exhausting. Shopping ways you are going to spend hours and hour's right from walking through the crowd to dealing with shopkeepers and then standing in a long wait patiently in a billing counter to pay the bills....Read Detail
Customer reviews:
Date: 10 Mar 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
I'm very satisfied by the product, I bought 2 USb sticks and they work well, there were some scratches on both of them, perhaps they have been used before I don't know, you can clearly see them at the photos, the shipping was fast but there were some problems with the North Macedonian post and they did not arrive at the expected time, but from the sellers side was everything ok.
Date: 07 Jan 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
5 Звёзд! Отличный кардридер! Высокая скорость. Немного греется. Доставка в Казахстан 1 месяц. Трек номер отслеживался. Рекомендую продавца.
Date: 12 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Использовал вместе с этим аппаратом (1), справляется вот так (2, 3). Совпадает с характеристиками полностью.
Date: 12 Nov 2020Logistics: Singapore Post
I ordered 15 Card reader, but i got only 14 card readers
Date: 07 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
38 дней с момента заказа до Киева тест двух карт с его помощью на фото.
Date: 18 Jan 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Отличный картридер! USB3.0. Проверял на microsd Samsung EVO Plus, запись 65 мб/с, чтение 87 мб/с.
Date: 30 Oct 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Good value for the money... shipped in 4 weeks. work fast. Thanks .
Date: 07 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Se ve bien el producto, aún no lo utilizo si demoró mas de un mes pero bien todo, yo adquirí dos productos.
Date: 13 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Классный кардридер. Брал для микросд, чтобы скидывать песни на карточку для колонки. Комп увидел карту сразу, как флешку. Все работает хорошо. Покупкой доволен. Рекомендую.
Date: 17 Jan 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Я думаю за такую цену можно и 5 звёзд и хороший комментарий, проверил, работает, шустро и быстро, доволен, спасибо большое продавец за быструю отправку
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 20 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Рабочий кард-ридер и SD и microSD, компактный, я доволен.
Date: 31 Mar 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Excellent adapter. Works great. Thanks seller.
Date: 09 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Это честный usb 3.0 картридер. Хоть я и не понимаю, зачем медленным micro sd карточкам быстрый картридер.
Date: 20 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Funciona perfecto, muy rápido para la transferencia de archivos.